
SBA 8(a) – The 8(a) program is a robust nine-year program created to help firms owned and controlled by socially and economically disadvantaged individuals. Businesses that participate in the program receive training and technical assistance designed to strengthen their ability to compete effectively in the American economy.

The 8(a) certification qualifies businesses to compete for the program’s sole-source and competitive set-aside contracts. The government authorizes sole-source contracts to 8(a) participants for up to $7.5 million for acquisitions assigned manufacturing North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) codes and $4.5 million for all other acquisitions. Entity-owned 8(a) program participants are eligible for sole-source contracts above these thresholds, but the Department of Defense requires approval of a formal justification if the 8(a) sole-source contract exceeds $100 million; all other federal agencies require approval for sole-source 8(a) contract actions that exceed $25 million.

SBA HUBZone – The HUBZone program fuels small business growth in Historically Underutilized Business Zones (HUBZones) with a goal of awarding at least 3 percent of federal contract dollars to HUBZone-certified companies each year. The government limits competition for certain contracts to businesses in historically underutilized business zones. It also gives preferential consideration to those businesses in full and open competition.

DC Certified Business Enterprise (CBE) – A Certified Business Enterprise (CBE) is a business that is headquartered in the District of Columbia and has been certified by the Department of Small and Local Business Development (DSLBD). Businesses with CBE certification receive preferred procurement and contracting opportunities. The District directs spending to these DC-based businesses that support and contribute to job creation and the city tax base, which in turn results in a much stronger local economy. Each agency, including an agency that contracts or procures through the Office of Contracting and Procurement (OCP), must exercise its contracting and procurement authority. It must meet, on an annual basis, the goal of procuring and contracting 50 percent of the dollar volume of its goods and services, including construction goods and services, to Small Business Enterprises (SBEs).

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